Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you!

Fill out the form to the right and we'll get back to you shortly.

If you'd like to talk to us directly you can call our Tai Po office at 2650 6156 or at 2634 8386 for our Fo Tan office.

G33-35, Plaza Ascot, Fo Tan
Hong Kong


LemonTree is a premier provider of English language training in Hong Kong. Lemon Tree students attend international and top choice primary and secondary schools throughout Hong Kong.


1. What are your operating hours?

Classes are held Monday to Saturday, taking place most mornings and each afternoon. Contact Lemon Tree for specific class times. 

2. How much do lessons cost?

Course fees vary depending on student level and type of class.   Contact Lemon Tree for specific class fee details. 

3. How long are lessons?

The majority of Lemon Tree class lessons are 60 minutes in length.  Private lessons are typically arranged for 30, 45, 60+ minutes.  

4. How long does it take to complete the course?

The majority of Lemon Tree regular classes are year round and continuous.  Seasonal and holiday courses are offered on a fixed term basis. 

5. How do I know what course is suitable?

Prospective students are required to have assessment by Lemon Tree Staff to determine class suitability.  

6. What happens if I can't come to a lesson?

If a student is ill and needs to miss class, make-up lessons can be arranged if the student provides note from a medical practitioner (doctor) confirming illness and need to stay home.  There are no make-up classes provided for students who forget or choose to not attend scheduled classes. 

7. What happens during school holidays?

Please note that Lemon Tree classes are only off during stated public holidays, not school break periods.  As such, Lemon Tree regular classes continue as scheduled during school days off, extended holiday periods and summer.  

8. What if my lesson falls on a national holiday?

Lemon Tree follows the Public Holiday schedule as set forth by the local Hong Kong government and is generally closed on these days.  See for details. 

9. What are your procedures during bad weather days?

Lemon Tree will suspend or cancel classes per guidance of the Hong Kong Government and Education Bureau when weather conditions (i.e. typhoons, tropical storms or persistent heavy rains) prohibit our ability to ensure student safety.  Lemon Tree will resume classes approximately 30 minutes after bad weather signals, described and indicated by the Hong Kong Observatory, have been lifted.